Stephen B. Pearl's books

Stephen B. Pearl

the finest in Speculative Fiction

I write speculative fiction focusing on fantasy and science fiction and their related subgenres, sometimes with romance. I try to reflect issues and problems that we face by putting them into a different setting and contect, allowing us to look at problems from a different view point.


Thank you reader

Thank you for reading my work and passion. My goal is to entertain and hopefully inform, raise awareness, and cause you, reader, to ask questions. I hope you have enjoyed my stories. If yes, please consider leaving me a review.

Thank you author

a poem by Stephen B. Pearl © 2017

If you want to say "Thank You"
Please leave a review,
It only takes a line or two
And is such a nice thing to do.

It means so much to me,
because then others will see
what you think of me...
my work, my writing, my passions, my creativity.

Your review will help me,
letting others notice me.
This is how I become known
because my books are not for me alone.

Writing a review is the best way to say thank you to an author for their time, effort, and knowledge. It takes me about 6 months to 1 year to complete a novel, ready to submit to a publisher.
You can make a difference at:
Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Book Tok and Tik Tok, Instagram or your prefered social media.

About Stephen B. Pearl

On a personal note - Gandalf taught me how to be a spirit wrapped in flesh. Aragorn taught me how to be a man. Frodo taught me of perseverance and Samwise of loyalty. I owe much to J.R. Tolkein and others like Homer, innumerable books on mythology, Frank Herbert, H.G. Wells and the list goes on. They, through their works, taught me how to live. Along the way I learned of the power of the written word, the gift it could give by slipping past our defences to show us the best and the worst in ourselves. These revelations have led me to become a writer.

My Youtube video channel

Listen to convention panel discussions on a variety of topics, author interviews, and author readings.

Short story audio


Knowledge areas

My knowledgeable areas, experience, interests past and present are:

My panel discussion and seminar knowledgeable areas and experience include:

Interviews with Stephen B. Pearl

A few interview links.

Writing information, articles, tips

Writing tips

Writing articles

Science and environment articles

Saving the World, Saving Ourselves a discussion on environmental technologies for your home and community, research for the Tinker series.

Some panel discussions are on science topics available on my Youtube playlists.

Metaphysics and philosophy

Book clubs

If your book club has chosen one of my books to read, thank you. Would you like to discuss the book with me and have a question and answer session through a short online group meeting? If yes, please contact me about arranging this.

Conventions, festivals, shows

I have participated at various events through discussion panels, author readings, guest author, featured speaker, or exhibitor. Recently these events have been online, particularly from 2020 to 2022; sometimes I have orgainized, run and participated in a convention online-writing stream.

August 2022: GenCon online, When Words Collide online, FanExpo in person author guest 5 panel discussions, 2 seminars.

Find authors and their books, links

Book Series in Order is a site listing different authors and their books in order written, a labour of love.

Books Radar is a site listing different authors and their books in order written, a labour of love.

Fiction DB is a site listing different authors and their books.

Goodreads lists many books, authors, recommendations and discussions.

Liminal Fiction lists many speculative fiction books, authors, genres, and has an extensive filter search by genres, tropes e.g., mirror shows true self, space medicine, and tags, which should help you find authors and their books.

Copyright © 2009-, Stephen B. Pearl
website by GISjoy